Thread: From the pres.
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Old 03-25-2010, 09:34 AM
LVCamaro LVCamaro is offline
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Default Re: From the pres.

Let's all not forget that membership and participation on this forum board is a privilege...not a right. The fact remains that the Mods here have unilateral authority to censor and/or ban anyone here without conditions or group discussion...that's just the way it is here. I don't agree with some of the decisions that the Mods have made, but at the end of the day that just doesn't matter. It's aggravating when that happens, but my options are: [1] quit participating here, or [2] just suck it up and get over it [there are dozens of other muscle car forum boards that we can choose from to read and/or post].

These Internet forum discussion boards come in all flavors and colors. Some are run a lot looser [more tolerant] than the sYc board by management, then others are much tighter [less tolerant] than this we can pick from the many forum boards we feel most comfortable being a part of. Our Mods don't get it right every time, so the ol' adage: "some of the people, some of the time" is about as good as they're gonna do. There are 10,000 sYc forum members that have an opinion about our Mod's every decision, but I doubt that our Mods are gonna please them all. I notice some members that seem chronically in disagreement about how this board is run...what I don't understand is why they persist in frequenting a forum board that they so often find fault.

We likely all have a buddy that's been censored/banned at this forum site and we'd like to reverse/modify the Mod's decision, but the fact remains that we just don't have that ability. It may sound harsh and even unreasonable, but that's just the way it is here [and most all the other Internet forum boards]. Each of our memberships here were preceded by an agreement to abide by the rules of management. I don't believe our Mod's make knee-jerk decisions regarding censorship/banishment of a member here thoughtlessly or with intent to further their own personal/secret agenda, but even if I did think options still remain the same as stated above. I just don't think it's fair or beneficial for anyone to make a forum post voicing your discontent about a decision our Mods make...I think that only serves to cause the Mods to dig their heels in even deeper. Nobody likes to be second guessed by someone else on the open forum board, so IMO it's much better to voice our opinion or objection via PM or private email.

I communicated with Tom Clary today about his post above and some general forum board policies and/or philosophies. During that discussion, I sensed that Tom and Rob are becoming pretty tired from their unending personal time spent to maintain our board. Tom has personally selected his Mods and management team here and reminded me that he absolutely supports his team and the decisions they make during the course of monitoring this forum site, unconditionally. I know Tom pretty well and I truly believe that he's becoming disenchanted and even aggravated by some of the recent bickering, whining, second-guessing and personal attacks between some forum members. Tom gave birth to this site more than 10 years ago and continues to make considerable personal sacrifices to keep our board in business. I'm not trying to post/speak in Tom's behalf here [he's quite able to speak for himself], I'm just sharing insight based upon my discussion with Tom today. I would just hate to see the day that Tom throws his hands up and pulls the plug because the forum board became a heartache and headache that he prefers to do without.

Thanks Tom & Rob for all you do here.

[I just noticed Jim's post above..."keyboard commandos" is a good way to put it]
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