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Old 04-20-2017, 07:51 PM
77Z28 77Z28 is offline
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My wife and I each year host high school exchange students from Venezuela. We are on our 4th year. Through this experience we have learned a lot on how a corrupt government can simply destroy a country and their people. They are on track to have 2600% inflation this year. We simply could not imagine the day-to-day struggles the people have. Taz you are correct about the government seizing oil companies. The country's economy was based on oil sales. They literally import 95% of the products they need including food. There is no desire to innovate or be competitive when the government sets price controls on all products sold.

I fear a violent coup is necessary to get things back on the right track. This latest take over by the government will lead to no outside companies wanting to do business there.

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