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Old 11-10-2011, 04:58 AM
SmallHurst SmallHurst is offline
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Default Re: KCIR again in danger of being closed!

That's it!!!!
Snarl softly and carry a big stick!
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13.26 @ 103.12 Pure Stock

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Old 11-10-2011, 03:59 PM
Chevy454 Chevy454 is offline
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Default Re: KCIR again in danger of being closed!

I'm not sure how many are reading the comments on the KC Star site, but one article has already been taken down, so in case this one bites the dust I thought I'd post some comments by someone who seems to have some insight into some of the backstory...

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Posted in Multiple Parts:

Quoted by JohnnyBravo on purposebuilt.org

Let me start out by saying that the &quot;sale&quot; of the track is not a decision that the owners want to make. They are not sell-outs, nor are they willingly abandoning the racing community. They are as deeply tied to racing, if not more, than anyone here.

In a nutshell, this was a political move. It may be one person, it may be a combination of people, but there are only 3 major players who have the kind of clout around KC to force the sale of the track.

1. Claire McCaskill. She owns approximately 27 acres (I believe) in the immediate vicinity of the track. My understanding is that she has been unable to market or sell her property for a significant profit because of the proximity of her property to the race track. That might make a good motive to lean on the city to force the track out of operation. And you can't forget councilwoman Circo...who also happens to be a fundraiser for Claire McCaskill. Interesting how that works out, isn't it?

2. Christine Kemper. She owns one of the houses on the hill on the other side of Noland Road, across from the track. The bulk of the track's problems started immediately upon her taking possession of that home. Many of you will recall the huge debacle involving the storage shed that Kemper and Porrevecchio tried to use as leverage to shut down the track. Huge hearing before the BZA. City Hall was packed. While she was successful in costing the track a lot of money in unnecessary &quot;improvements&quot; and attorneys' fees and ultimately restricting the days and hours of the track's operation, she could not shut the track down. But don't for a second think she has let it go.

3. Ms. Ulmer who owns all of the property up on the hill, east of the track. After her husband passed away, she has been trying to develop that property by herself. Rumor has it that nobody is thrilled about assisting in the development of that property because it's right above the track.

Now which one(s) of these people are behind the political pressure to force the sale of the track is anyone's guess. But there is a jerk in the woodpile somewhere.
Next, while what the city may try to claim is that this is a voluntary sale, nothing could be further from the truth. The city had been trying to buy the track for a while, but could never come up with any money. So the track entered into negotiations with another buyer (who would actually keep the track there, but would result in an infusion of cash for the track). After finding out that the current owners had found a buyer that would keep the track where it is, the city sent a letter threatening the condemnation of the land. Guess what that did to the sale of the property.

While under threat of condemnation, the property is dead. You can't sell it. You can't rezone it. And it makes no sense to spend any more money on it, because it may be taken from you at any time. So that's the first dirty trick the city pulled. Just the threat of condemnation crushed any chance the track had of selling to someone who could improve the place and devalued the purchase price to any other interested buyer.

Then the city, through its codes administration, began really putting the pressure on the owners to &quot;fix&quot; certain alleged violations at the track. &quot;You can't have any electricity in your new outbuilding.&quot; Ok. Then it was, &quot;You MUST run electricity to the new outbuilding.&quot; Ok. Then it was, &quot;You have to repave the parking lot near the outbuilding&quot;. Why? That wasn't on the approved plans? &quot;DO IT!&quot; Then it was, &quot;you need illuminated exit signs in the building.&quot; Why? Those weren't on the approved plans and this is a storage shed. It's not a public building as defined by the codes. &quot;Do it or we'll fine you, etc, etc,&quot;

So the city started making it clear that if the owners didn't sell, at a low ball price which the city could afford, they'd just come out there every single day and find something to ticket them for. Take away their vending permit. Something. The city very clearly sent the message, 'If you don't give us this land, we'll make your life a living hell. And if you make us go through the condemnation process, we'll make sure you are offered pennies on the dollar for the property and that after you've paid your lawyers, you'll walk away with next to nothing.&quot;

Welcome to Kansas City politics. And you thought it was bad during the Cleaver days?

And so far, the city has failed and refused to provide any assistance in finding another location for the racetrack. The owners even agreed to take less money in exchange for help finding a replacement property and some time to operate while they built the new facility. The city was NOT willing to give them another season, or even another day. The city is not paying what the property is worth, but it's paying more for the property just to shut it down NOW and to not have to find a new place. If that gives you any idea of the real motivations behind this move.

So you, the tax payers, while still getting a deal on the property, could have had it even cheaper if the city would have given the owners more time and helped them find a new place. But the city would rather pay more to run a business out of town immediately. Feel free to be POed aS fuark about that, too.

So the city will have a completely worthless, non-income generating nuisance that it will have to take care of in place of a money earning, property tax paying business.

But hey, at least some of the more powerful women in the city will be able to line their pockets with cash after it's gone. And when it comes down to it, isn't being a politician really about using your power for your own profit?

Those are about all of the details I can provide at this time. I'm waiting for the press release to be issued by the city, to see how they &quot;spin&quot; this thing, but what I just told you is pretty dang accurate (other than my speculation about who is behind the string pulling). The city is RUNNING THE TRACK OUT OF TOWN ONE WAY OR ANOTHER.

The track has been blackmailed, bullied and beaten into selling. HOWEVER, you can still lean on your elected officials to either (a) undo the deal and refuse to fund the purchase; or (b) at a minimum, assist the owners in finding a new location for the track.

Those are the facts as I believe them to be.
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Old 11-10-2011, 04:03 PM
Chevy454 Chevy454 is offline
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Default Re: KCIR again in danger of being closed!

This, from YellowBullet...

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Statement From Rob Park (one of KCIR's owners).

Throughout history KCIR has had its trials and tribulations that we have all had to endure and this chapter is no different. To all of the loyal fans and racers I can’t thank you enough for all your support. I am sorry I have not communicated on a broad spectrum earlier but by a contractual obligation and advice of our attorney we were asked to refrain from any public statements for the time being. I have since realized with all of the uncertainty it is vitally important that everyone know our side of the story, or at least as much as we are allowed to share at this time. I assure you it will be fully disclosed in time.
The entire story is too lengthy to tell in detail but I will attempt to give you the Cliff’s notes version. After we sold the track in 2008, the owner at that time offered to sell KCIR to the city for a park (which was necessary to complete the housing development across the road) and planned to build a new motorsports facility in conjunction with a road course up by the airport. As we all know those plans took a dramatic halt.
After learning the plans a group of investors had for the property, that didn’t include a drag strip, I set out on a mission to help save the track. With family life as my priority (wife and four kids) I knew I didn’t have the time available to put forth towards the track, as an owner, that it needed. Luckily Chris was in a position that he was willing to help even knowing the uncertainties surrounded by the current situation. I can assure you, without Chris we never would have even got this far.
Shortly after the transition I was approached by neighborhood and city officials to discuss the future of the track in its current location. I was asked to develop a proposal for what I felt would be a viable motorsports entity that would be located within Kansas City and would be a draw for the city. With the aid of Dan Porrevechio (yes he actually has been helping ) we developed a very comprehensive plan to relocate the track and develop a motorsports business that would be a “win” for everyone involved. As time went by we needed an answer and gave the city a deadline, the deadline approached and they asked for a week extension (which we granted) at the end of the week is when we received our first letter. You have all seen that one. Since that time, not knowing exactly what was going to happen, we have spent a considerable amount of time and money consulting with our attorneys looking for any other options and none were available. To this date no one has came to us with any options. The ability to exercise eminent domain through the use of condemnation is a very powerful and it is very expensive to the land owner(s). We have been given a very loud and clear message we are not wanted here. If you read between the lines of what is being said publicly you can see the play on words and how they are trying to use them to their advantage.
Our intentions never have been or will be to eliminate drag racing in Kansas City. Remember how I make my living. Anyone that actually knows me knows better. I do have a desire to help with a new track that we could all enjoy with much fewer restrictions in an area that we are welcome. We are continuing discussions to try to find a feasible solution for all racers, fans and owners.
Again, I can’t thank all of you supporters enough for what you are trying to do.
Rob Park </div></div>
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Old 11-10-2011, 04:14 PM
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Default Re: KCIR again in danger of being closed!

The letter(s) from KC to the track, as referenced above...
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Old 11-10-2011, 10:06 PM
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Default Re: KCIR again in danger of being closed!

New guy here, I tried to access the petition website and it was having troubles or something. It looked like it also had a picture of that lady covering her eyes for some reason. I intend on trying to sign it when it comes back up. This is rotten to the core to say the least. John
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Old 11-23-2011, 04:28 AM
SmallHurst SmallHurst is offline
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Default Re: KCIR again in danger of being closed!

It official!!! This weekend is indeed the last go at KCIR!!! I am going to have to make it down for a last run!!!

Long live the home track of the AHRA!!! Looks like I get to travel to Topeka, Mo-Kan, Wichita, Great Bend, or MAR!!!!
Snarl softly and carry a big stick!
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Old 11-23-2011, 01:51 PM
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Default Re: KCIR again in danger of being closed!

Yet more proof, as if any more were needed, that the political class is not the friend of the little guy, no matter their party affiliation. It's popular these days to rail against the evil corporations, but the corporations have no enforcement mechanism without the government in their corner. Anyone who claims that the Democratic party is somehow less complicit in outrages against the people than the Republican is willfully blind. A year from now, when street racing has increased tenfold, the politicians will feign indignant outrage, as though they have no idea how this could happen, and the sheep will let them get away with it.

If this post is too political, feel free to delete it. The political farce that has played itself out right in front of us over the past few weeks has made me sick to my stomach.
98 Cobra. Long tubes. Big cams. Shifter. 4.88s. Still slow.
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Old 11-24-2011, 06:21 AM
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Default Re: KCIR again in danger of being closed!

One last hooray....Free test-n-tune from noon to 5 on Saturday weather permitting. I will be there with camera in hand!!!
Snarl softly and carry a big stick!
1969 Hurst/Olds
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Old 11-25-2011, 06:48 PM
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Default Re: KCIR again in danger of being closed!

A petition to put to the owners of Kansas Speedway to build a drag strip.

KCK drag strip
Snarl softly and carry a big stick!
1969 Hurst/Olds
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Old 11-25-2011, 08:09 PM
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Default Re: KCIR again in danger of being closed!

98 Cobra. Long tubes. Big cams. Shifter. 4.88s. Still slow.
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